Imlek - Sveže za dobar dan / Fresh for a Good Day

Imlek is the undisputed market leader in milk products in the Balkans. BNW's task was to create a completely new brand architecture for the whole corporation, maintaining the three top commodity brands and creating a new innovation brand, re-structuring the portfolios accordingly: Sveze za dobar dan / Fresh for a Good Day was the branding solution for the new premium fresh line of milk products.

Salford is an investment trust seated in London, which acquired several food producers, among them the five leading dairies in Serbia. The objective of Salford being an investor was to build up the value of their acquisitions and sell the companies with high profit after a five years. Salford did not want to sell the five dairies piece by piece, but the whole acquisition as one unit. Therefore BNW's task was to create an appropriate brand architecture for the five dairy brands.

The task was to create and craft original brand architecture maintaining the three top commodity brands and creating a new premium brand, and to clearly differentiate the positioning of the top 3 dairy brands; re-structuring the portfolios accordingly: Full range - Premium - Price fighter.

The brand driver for the new premium fresh strategy: “FRESH FOR A GOOD DAY”. We successfully turned advertising to work as a branding tool, because we combined the true nature of Imlek’s portfolio and consumer needs, with a nation-wide launch campaign.

Imlek from BrandNewWorld/BelgradeDesignWeek on Vimeo.


Identity and website redesign D-Clinic