Exit & Post Exit
Brand New Capital's Grand Finale / Selling the Business / Followed by Wealth Management Control
5. Exit
Selling the Business (or parts of it)
Once we have reached our development targets, deep Swiss pools of capital and large clusters of innovative companies can provide opportunities to exit through trade-sales or Private Equity sales.
Some entrepreneurs may not wish to continue developing their companies on their own.
Trade-sale Exit: Being based in Switzerland is an attractive proposition for a "trade-sale" i.e. a sale to another participant in the same industry. Switzerland is home to a large number of family-owned middle market companies and to many global middle market companies' headquarters. Potential acquisition candidates are a stone's throw away from BNC's offices.
Private EquityExit: Similarly, the same capital pools providing "angel" investors, namely Private Banks and Family Offices are also very active in smaller Private Equity acquisitions.
6. Post Exit
Wealth Management Control
Entrepreneurs have access to world class Swiss financial institutions to manage their monetized post-exit wealth.
Switzerland is home to a critical mass of world-class financial services providers. Once entrepreneurs Exit their companies, why should they give all their wealth to be managed by one or two banks, often exoensive and providing limited services? BNC, as a partner will together with them help pick (via tenders) best-in-class asset wealth and asset managers, custodian banks etc.
For the larger sales, joining a multi-family office structure may be an attractive option.
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