Davidoff Design Hotspots
BNW helped establish Davidoff Cigarettes a brand deeply rooted in high-end design, while emphasizing the “L’art de vivre“ philosophy. With that premise, we developed a global BTL platform to match and reinforce the brand’s existing rejuvenated communication. As part of that platform, our LOUNGE NAVIGATOR became the premier pan-European nightclubs and bars guide, securing a huge audience and allowing Davidoff Cigarettes an unheard of business management tool to achieve exclusive entry into top HoReCa spots in all key markets.
The platform is flexible – it can be used all year round, with various itineraries, product promotions and according to the markets’ budget, offering great potential for PR coverage, even in darker markets, in all phases of execution.
The platform provides access to target consumers, and it enables Davidoff local HoReCa representatives to access potential new venues. The main tool is the Lounge Navigator publication and web site that acts as a global HoReCa finder, creating an online community of Davidoff brand ambassadors.
Registration at Lounge Navigator website allows visitors to apply for the G-list club membership. This club card will offer many benefits to Davidoff consumers in their search for exquisitely designed nightlife experiences (where applicable).
With proper support management, the Global Lounge Navigator website and publication can become a leading global information and exchange platform for cutting-edge HoReCa.
Next to the unified worldwide publication, each market will be encouraged to create its own local version (or several of them) of the Lounge Navigator, turning Davidoff into the prime source of global information about best local HoReCa.
The Lounge Navigator website and publication allow the markets to create additional PR opportunities and form alliances with local lifestyle media by regularly publishing excerpts in partner publications.
This platform is an excellent cross-media tool for usage in other platforms (i.e. Cosmopolitan:Nights). Its elements like in-pack inserts can be used in isolation or as part of a complete communication package.