Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club

Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club’s new aesthetic signature arose out of collaboration with Brand New World, creating a distinctive look that integrates proud heritage of Fresh Creek, Andros, The Bahamas. BNW communicated the new visual identity through different tools: proprietary logo and typography, promo-tools and a new website. The club is presented as the most desirable destination in the area, emphasizing the narrative of the social hub of The Bahamas.

Nestled in the heart of The Bahamas, The Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club has been a beacon to boaters and visitors to the Bahamas since 1951. The Andros Yacht Club and the Lighthouse Club drew sailboats and seaplanes full of swells over from Nassau and Florida, with the most popular celebrities of the ‘50s performing at the Club, and sipped cocktails by the pool. Today the Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club is enjoying a renaissance with its reopening and an ambitious redevelopment plan for the Lighthouse Club that will see the addition of a luxury hotel, marina, private residential villas and townhouses. Inspired by heritage and history of a glamorous club, Brand New World has embarked on the challenging adventure to create the new visual identity of the brand, including style guide, internal assets, digital assets and website.

The Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club

The unique history of the area is depicted on the new Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club's logo. BNW was inspired by the famous ship La Santa María de la Inmaculada Concepción, or La Santa María, originally La Gallega. It was the largest of the three small ships used by Christopher Columbus in his first expedition across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, with the backing of the Spanish monarchs. 

In the Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club's visual identity, the predominant color is royal blue. 

The Andros Lighthouse Club

Located at the junction of Fresh Creek and the Atlantic Ocean, The Andros Lighthouse Club is prominently marked by its namesake a 132-year-old lighthouse, along with three cannons from the “Cottsac” Schooner, which wrecked just a few miles away on Stanyard Rock in the 1800s.

As logo, the icon can stand on white background or be placed on a blue flag of same shape as the Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club's logo, or its own unique shape. The logotype composition includes the icon, year of the club's establishment and accommodation description.

The new Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club identity is comprised of patterns, textures, colours, fonts and structures. BNW was inspired by the color blue, sea; the precious coral, the heritage galleon and the red stripe from the lighthouse. The touchpoint is dynamic and nuanced with layers of colour - almost brush like.

The Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club identity system is built in such a way as to allow brand stretch across the different customer touchpoints; from a formal business card to surf board.



Identity and website redesign D-Clinic