LiZbon in Zürich

High-tech design and high-quality workmanship, perfect marble, fine woods and legendary Portuguese corks form the essence of the Swiss premiere of famous Lisbon Gallery from Lisbon, Portugal, on the eve of Art Basel / Design Miami 2018, at the Brand New World Salon in Zürich.

What a nice warm-up act of an exciting week for all design lovers in Zurich. The whole world of design and art comes to Switzerland this week, and we want to welcome them in Zurich with “collectible design" of the finest kind, with outstanding works by Amanda Levete, Bruno MM, Claudia Moreira Salles, Eneida Tavares, Fernando Brízio, Geckeler Michels, Jasper Morrison, Jorge Carreira, Joschua Brunn, Manuel Amaral Netto, Michael Anastassiades, Miguel Vieira Baptista, Naoto Fukasawa and Vítor Agostinho, exclusive editionsby the famous Lisbon Gallery from Lisbon, Portugal, curated by Guta Moura Guedes, Chair of Lisbon's experimentadesign, who will personally open the exhibition:

All the works were created within an unique collaboration between brick and mortar Portuguese businesses and leading local and international design stars, a product of a lively communication between ateliers, materials manufacturers and academia, in a flexible and manageable country - moderated and staged in a grand setting by the Lisbon Gallery – produced in cutting-edge quality – and now presented in the most important design centers of the world. “Therefore, we believe that it is particularly relevant for Switzerland to look at the results of such an exciting and creative process, and to create similar initiatives of its own”, said Vesna and Jovan Jelovac, founders of the Brand New World Salon in Seefeld, Zurich.

Within the scope of the “Make Love / Not Work!” program, the world champions of design – from Milan to London, New York, Miami, LA, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Vienna, Istanbul, Madrid, Barcelona, Tel Aviv and Rio, and of course the whole of Switzerland, will meet in our petite Brand New World Salon in Seefeld.

This exhibition presents pieces that were mainly created through projects commissioned by experimentadesign: pieces integrating the latest “First Stone” programme (2016 – 2017), the “Metamorphosis” project presented at the EXD’13 Biennale or even the project “Efeito D” for the EXD’09 Biennale. The exhibition integrates also pieces of independent projects created by designers constituting the pool of Lisbon Gallery Design & Architecture.

Working with some of the most relevant Portuguese and international protagonists within the field of design and architecture, Lisbon Gallery presents pieces that manifest a strong component of research and innovation. Most of the selected works were produced in Portugal, or turned out as a result of exploring other industries. All the pieces are commercialized in limited series or standard editions.New forms of working with materials were born during the design process of these pieces, creating new logics and representations. The preference over natural and organic materials or with a certain weight and history, projects in itself an identifying characteristic of the Lisbon Gallery: its investment in the area of sustainability.

Having its pieces travelling once more to international territory, the Lisbon Gallery gets a step closer to the international approach it has been claiming, as a way to disseminate its content and to promote the design mostly made in Portugal.

About the Lisbon Gallery for Design & Architecture 

The Lisbon Gallery operates in the field of contemporary Design and Architecture, with a strong emphasis on curatorial exploration and innovation.

The gallery focuses on fostering development in the fields of design and architecture and in producing extraordinary projects, giving designers and architects the ideal conditions to accomplish their own research and ideas.
Its investment is strongly rooted on the connection between design and architecture with craftsmanship and industry, with a special focus on the exploration of different materials and in all types of technological innovation. Furthermore, the Lisbon Gallery also holds a great interest in the interrelation between design and architecture with culture in general, assuming both fields as cultural and social catalysts.

The Lisbon Gallery offers a special selection of pieces created by the group of designers and architects that it represents, which are also an image of its curatorial perspective and practice. Additionally, we also invest in a selection of very specific reeditions of projects that have somehow been lost in time.

Our clients will find a gallery that breathes and lives beyond its physical space, presenting unique pieces developed by established designers and architects. A truly unique approach based on principles of research, quality, beauty and originality.



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