Gui Borchert & Tarek Sioufi

Fallon is a full-service advertising agency headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with affiliate offices in London, Prague, Detroit, and Tokyo. It is a subsidiary of Publicis. The agency believes in family as a business model, in the dignity of the individual. Fallon believes that creativity is the last legal means to an unfair advantage. Gui Borchert and Tarek Sioufi presented Fallon's London work at Belgrade Design Week 2012.

On the day Fallon opened its doors without a single client, it did so under the headline, “A new advertising agency for companies that would rather outsmart the competition than outspend them.” Today, this mantra is unwavering. Fallon is a creatively-led agency who pinned the public reputation on the commitment to smarts.

Smart brands create something of value in the world: entertainment value, social value, and belief value. Smart brands are additive to peoples’ lives and to culture. They help build ideas in the world, and they leave something behind.

Gui Borchert, Tarek Sioufi / Fallon (UK) @BDW 2012 from Brand New World on Vimeo.