Jelena Stojkov

The Belgrade Land Development Public Agency is established by the Belgrade City Assembly as an enterprise with the specific tasks of interest for the City and public land development. The Agency activities include: management, service, development and improvement of public land and buildings of local interest.

Jelena Stojkov presented its work and spoke about new architectural landmarks of the city and their impact on its image and identity, such as the Ada bridge, the “Cloud” at Beton Hala, the Beko factory complex. 

The Agency prepares Program for public land development, construction of highways and other utility infrastructure. Also it deals with studies, analysis and competitions for the specific spatial and infrastructural needs of the City.

The Agency calculates factors affecting the costs of land development fee and lease hold fee. Furthermore, it provides the investor with information on potential sites and prepares necessary documentation and studies for land lease.

Our aim is to protect public interest and it is carried through responsible business policy and strong financial discipline. 

Jelena Stojkov / Beoland (RS) @BDW 2013 from Brand New World on Vimeo.